WHO Was JUNTA in Ethiopia?


WHO Was JUNTA in Ethiopia?

By Ibsa E. Obsa (Msc. Candidate)
Northumbia University, UK
June, 2021.

What is JUNTA:-
Definition of Junta :-

According to Oxford Dictionary; Junta is a military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force. Example: "the country's ruling military junta".

Merriam-Webster, Incorporated., defines Junta as a council or committee for political or governmental purposesespecially a group of persons controlling a government especially after a revolutionary seizure of power.

Based on current Ethiopia's Situation, which group will be the so called JUNTA?

Introduction and Background:

Abiy Ahmed who came to power two years ago through Oromo protests who promised to bring change and democracy to Ethiopia turned into a dictator who kills innocent people just for exercising their freedom of expression. Since he took power, Abiy Ahmed has been eliminating his opponents. Using his military and intelligence skills, many think he has orchestrated the killings of influential people who he thinks are contenders to his power. Amnesty International has been reported mass arrest and killing on their official report of 2020.

The following list of people assassinated or killed under his leadership.
1. Hachallu Hundeessaa- influential Oromo superstar singer and help him come to power two years ago and who was very critic of Abiy Ahmed leadership assassinated few days after giving an interview, which many believe that his assassination is orchestrated by Noble laureate Abiy Ahmed.
2. Jawar Mohammed – an assassination attempt made but Oromo youth have saved him in 2019 and currently again arrested by dictator Abiy Ahmed government.
3. Seare Mekonnen - Cheif of staff of the Defence Forces of Ethiopia - June 2019
4. Amhara Regional State President – late Dr.Ambachew Mekonnen and also Security chief of Amhara  region and more than 20 people of the regional state’s staffs - June 2019.
5. Ethiopia Grand Renaissance Dam project manager - Eng. Simegnew Bekele - July 2018.
6. Now Declared war on Oromia, Sidama, Wolaita and Tigray Regions.

Following the assassination of Hachalu, the country turned into major crisis where more than 374 civilians have been killed and more than 9000 have been jailed by Abiy Ahmed’s Government security forces.

The above list is some of the high profile killings that took place under the leadership of Abiy’s government. Most people suspect and believe that Abiy’s government organised and ordered the killing of all the above people and made a cover-up story as if it was inter-ethnic and religious violence to mislead the local and international community.

Many international human rights organisations have reported in details the ongoing mass killing and arbitrary mass arrest by the government on thousands of civils every day across the country. Abiy Ahmed didn't stop there. He jailed the prominent politician Jawar Mohammed who has more than 2 million followers on Facebook and who is his contender to become the next prime minister of Ethiopia. Abiy Ahmed also has shut down the largest media house, the Oromia Media Network. He also has put his former close friend and defence minister Lamma Megersa under house arrest, the person who helped him to become prime minister.

Just only on 18/08/2020, more than 120 innocent people have killed by order of  Abiy’s security forces. What is going on in the country is a major political crisis that needs the attention of international community.

After years of widespread protests against government policies and brutal security force repression, a series of human rights reforms were ushered in after Abiy Ahmed became prime minister in April 2018. The government released thousands of political prisoners from detention, admitted that security forces relied on torture, committed to legal reforms of repressive laws and introduced numerous other reforms. At the same time, there has been a significant break down in law and order in parts of Ethiopia amidst escalating ethnic tensions that has resulted in significant numbers of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). Ethiopia’s national elections are scheduled for May 2020 and postponed by Abiy Ahmed’s dictator government.

Based on current Ethiopia's Situation, which group will be classified AS JUNTA?

According to the definition of junta, Abiy Ahmed's group clearly classifiend as JUNTA just by looking out what're happened in the country and the following main issues are being sponsored and lead by his government: These are:

1. ABIY hold power by-passing constitution of the country.
2. postponed election without constitutionally unacceptableandillegal,
3. killed thousands of civilians including our Icon Artist Hacalu.
4. Arrested those who take-down Wayane/EPRDF by peaceful protest from Oromo youths (Qeerroos).
5. Arrest Thousands of Qeerroos and the so-called Father of Qeerroos, My beloved Jawar Mohammed, Bekele Gerba, Hamza Borana and well known top academicians and political party leaders.


Currently Abiy Ahmed and his devils colleagues called others as JUNTA. While taking the above mentioned points and issues Abiy Ahmed Dictator government is categorised and actively ruled the country as JUNTA government.

Abiy is committing genocide and  international war crime against civils by conducting mass extrajudicial killings and also  exposing people to COVID-19.

"Abiy Ahmed's JUNTA Group Must Resign."


1. We call upon the international organisations, embassies, United Nations, African Union to intervene and put a maximum pressure to release all politicians, stop the ongoing war declared on Tigray People and assign international independent body to start a national dialogue to form a transitional government in Ethiopia.

2. We also call upon international organisations to urgently take  all necessary actions to stop  any financial and diplomatic support from Abiy Ahmed’s government who is leading the country into a major political crisis and civil war.


Dr. Awol K. Allo (2020), Haacaaluu Hundeessaa: A towering musician and an Oromo icon. Published by Al-Jazeera.  Lecturer in Law at Keele University, UK.
Link: https://www.aljazeera.com/author/        awol_k_allo_20132286543180477/?gb=true

Ibsa E. Obsa (2020).  Why we Protest?Oromo Peaceful Protest pamphlet, London, UK. August 20, 2020.



HomeOffice Report (2020), Country Policy and Information Note Ethiopia: Opposition to the government, United Kingdom,  Version 4.0, July 2020.

‘Why Abiy Ahmed's Prosperity Party is good news for Ethiopia’, 18 December 2019, https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/abiy-ahmed-prosperity-party-good-news-ethiopia-191212135703549.html. Last accessed: 5 November 2020

‘Ethiopia: At least 17 killed in violence over Sidama autonomy’, 20 July 2019, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/07/ethiopia-17-killed-violence-sidama-autonomy-190720170914800.html. Last    accessed: 7 November 2020

‘Ethiopia parliamentary election: Poll announced for August 29’, 14 February 2020, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/02/ethiopia-parliamentary-election-poll-announced-august-29-200214143126556.html. Last accessed: 02 November 2020

‘Ethiopia declares state of emergency to fight coronavirus, 8 April 2020,  https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/ethiopia-declares-state-emergency-fight-covid-19-200408142519485.html. Last accessed: 8 November 2020
